Monday, March 23, 2015

Preparing for A+

As an IT professional I know the importance of certifications. The CompTIA a+ certification is the beginning when climbing the computer support ladder. Soon I will be going in to get my Cert and I have created a list of everything I did to prepare.

The Start:
The Very beginning for me, and the logical Starting point, Was to enroll in the A+ class at MATC. This class covers everything you need to take the Exam, as well as gives you hands on experience. I have yet to complete the class, but so far everything has been very clear and helpful. The added bonus with this class is that the textbook is a great review tool.

Purchase the Voucher:
I purchased mine directly through my teacher which gave me half off on both parts of the exam. But if you are not enrolled in the class you can purchase the Cert vouchers directly through the CompTia website. Depending on your employer, they may also provide a certification Discount.

Read and Read again:
You should never go into any test unprepared. Alongside the class you should have some kind of study guide. This can be in the form of books or web resources, I have used both with great success. Besides knowing the material you should also get to know the test-taking rules, such as what you are allowed to bring in with you, how much time you have, and whether you can return to questions. This changes often and should be reviewed a few days before the set date.

Lets do it:
Get a good night sleep, Eat a good breakfast, Relax and get your A+ Certification.

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