Monday, May 4, 2015

Food Face Off, How two Companies Compare on Social Media.

Its hard to find a company today that does not use any social media, the real distinction is how it is utilized. I took a look at two companies, Denny's and Whole Foods, both with a focus on food, and compared how they go about creating an internet presence. The two companies both have advertising in mind, but the methods used are vastly different.

The attention Grabber

It is clear that the reason for any company to be active online is to make themselves visible to the public. But it looks like Denny's decided to add something extra. On both Facebook and Twitter they have a sense of humor. I looked up and down the page only rarely spotting a serous post or tweet, most of the time about a new special deal or event. This may sound pointless at first but they actually have a really good idea. The goal is not to teach you something new, but to grab your attention with these ridiculous tactics, and subconsciously make you crave the food. The tactic appears to be working because the breakfast food joint has 212K Followers on Twitter and 5.2M Likes on Facebook. The reason this works so well is Denny's target audience, returning customers. Most of the tweets attempt to put you in the mood for breakfast food, keeping in mind most people have been to a Denny's before. In addition to posting often, they also respond to comments and replies, while interacting directly with individual people. The most common type of interaction is responding to tweets about the food and over all creating a welcoming and friendly environment.

The Change maker

Whole Foods is a grocery store that specializes in organic and local food. Denny’s was comical, but Whole Foods uses their internet presence to make a difference. By sharing healthy recipes, and articles on important issues, they hope to make a positive impact on the agriculture business. An example is the recent “Save the pollinators” campaign to raise awareness about the declining numbers of important pollinating insects and animals. The method used was to post short 10-20 second videos about each of the pollinators. By keeping the media short and easy to understand, more people are likely to finish the video and hear all the information. The target audience for Whole Foods is health food enthusiasts, vegetarians, and local business, though I’m sure they would like to reach as many people as they can. While not as funny as Denny’s postings, I believe the helpful advice and ideas that Whole Foods offers is just as effective. With currently 4.07M Followers on Twitter and 1.7M Likes on facebook, whole foods has a huge fan base. Even with that many people, they still respond to every question asked which is quite impressive.

Though both companies have vastly different approaches to their social media presence, both methods have proven effective. The trick is to know your market and provide what they are looking for, be consistent, and most of all, engage with the public.